Tone Collection
Nowadays, traditional local craftsmanship is gradually disappearing from our everyday modern life, especially when it comes to traditional Thai instruments. Long drums, or "Klong Yao," are typically used in traditional celebrations or small gatherings in Thai villages. These drums are crafted using specific skills such as woodturning, rope knotting, leather strapping, and pegging. By observing and learning local techniques and wisdom, we experimented and exchanged ideas with the locals to utilize all these skills and aspects in creating products that blend seamlessly with everyday life, while capturing the craftsmanship and unique characteristics of traditional Thai drums.
Designed by Jumphol Socharoenth ,Pakawat Vijaykadga ,Apisara Hophaisarn
Fabrication by Drum Making Village, Angthon
Nowadays, traditional local craftsmanship is gradually disappearing from our everyday modern life, especially when it comes to traditional Thai instruments. Long drums, or "Klong Yao," are typically used in traditional celebrations or small gatherings in Thai villages. These drums are crafted using specific skills such as woodturning, rope knotting, leather strapping, and pegging. By observing and learning local techniques and wisdom, we experimented and exchanged ideas with the locals to utilize all these skills and aspects in creating products that blend seamlessly with everyday life, while capturing the craftsmanship and unique characteristics of traditional Thai drums.
Designed by Jumphol Socharoenth ,Pakawat Vijaykadga ,Apisara Hophaisarn
Fabrication by Drum Making Village, Angthon